Monday, June 30, 2008
政治不明朗衝擊 馬股市值上半年縮水1529億
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Inflation in UAE stands at 12%
By Babu Das Augustine, Banking Editor
Published: June 15, 2008, 00:06
Dubai: Inflation in the UAE is estimated at 12 per cent while the rate in Abu Dhabi increased from 10.7 per cent in December last year to 11.5 per cent at the end of March, Abu Dhabi's Department of Planning and Economy (DPE) said in a report on Saturday.
Earlier this year, the International Monetary Fund had estimated inflation for 2008 at nine per cent.
The report attributes the high figures to the increase in consumer prices, costly rents and fuel, and soaring costs of goods and services.
While rising liquidity, low interest rates and easy bank loans have contributed, the report observes that the declining value of the dollar, to which the dirham is pegged, has contributed to the rising cost of imports.
According to the report, last year the country witnessed increases in housing rents, the cost of production and prices of goods and services.
DPE estimates that during the first three months of this year, inflation surged past 11.5 per cent while the index for rents, electricity and water was up 18.21 per cent from a year earlier.
The index for food, beverages and tobacco gained 19.78 per cent.
While DPE identifies rent as the single most important component, it acknowledges other factors such as the declining value of the dollar and the surging liquidity from oil surpluses as major contributors to rising prices.
Upward pressure
The high liquidity has applied upward pressure on the real exchange rates. In the absence of monetary policy tools and flexible exchange rates, the pressure on the dirham is reflected in high prices. Because of the peg, the UAE central bank usually shadows US interest rate moves, hampering the fight against inflation.
"The interest rates prevailing in the market merely demonstrate a response to external conditions [US interest rates], but do not do not reflect the real internal situation," DPE said.
Have your say
How has the current cost of living affected you? Are there any significant changes in your lifestyle? Tell us at or fill in the form bellow to send your comments.
Your comments
It has become very difficult to survive here in UAE because of huge inflation ,increase in consumer prices, costly rents and fuel whatever we are earning that much we are spending ,no saving nothing
Posted: June 15, 2008, 09:29
Posted: June 15, 2008, 08:40
The basic necessities remain there. You can not cut costs especially when you are living with kids and want to offer them the best facilities. The effect is on saving which are dented to a large extent. The saving which were estimated to be around AED 7000-8000 pm having shrunk to AED 3000-4000 pm. hence you can see the effects. It takes time to bring out a change in life style especially when you are used to a certain standardised life style and formed a social network.
Posted: June 15, 2008, 08:32
I can't save out of my pay cheque any more. In addition planning anything that require financial commitment is really difficult nowadays.
Abu Dhabi,UAE
Posted: June 15, 2008, 07:36
The main factor which is really effecting people is ever rising rentals. Govt should take measures in this regard. Most of the people have to spend more than 50% of their income as rental.
Posted: June 15, 2008, 01:22
Would you retire in Dubai?
Once Dubai was considered a place for expatriates to stay for a couple of years, make some money and then leave. Today, as the emirate continues to thrive, its expat community is also flourishing, with many not only staying longer but also making plans to retire here.
Overseas visitors too are discovering the quality of life in Dubai. While some are looking for a comfortable and convenient base for family holidays, others are recognising the benefits of owning a property as a potential retirement retreat.
Is Dubai now competing with the likes of Spain and France for British buyers seeking a 'place in the sun' in the second home and retirement market?
The answer may be 'not yet'. But there are a number of factors which seem to have increased the popularity of the emirate among retirees.
First, expatriates are staying longer in the UAE. No longer considered a short-term assignment, the average time spent here by expats is now nine years, according to a survey conducted by Zurich International Life and released in December 2007. The survey also says that only one per cent choose to stay for the longer term, i.e. over 20 years, which hints at the limited number of people who may be staying till retirement age.
But there are expatriates who are staying longer, bringing their families with them, and creating a lifestyle. When faced with a decision to either go back to their home countries or stay in Dubai, an increasing number is opting to retire in the Gulf. Furthermore, some retirees are moving to Dubai because they have family already living there and want to be closer to them. No statistics are available of their numbers, but you can meet them among your neighbours or social networks. And they all have their reasons for retiring in Dubai (see sidebar).
Then comes the property factor. With other housing markets around the world cooling, and even beginning to crash, Gulf retirees are looking to stretch their nest eggs further.
Dubai is not a cheap option - many analysts are predicting house prices in the emirate will soon match or even surpass London - but overseas buyers are being wooed by the UAE's stable economy and the promise of healthy tax-free returns on their investments.
Again this is still a limited buyer market for property developers. Better Homes, one of the UAE's major real estate agents, says there is not a trend yet towards buying property for retirement.
Manuela Reis, head of residential sales at Better Homes, said, "With the [real estate] market growing rapidly, we have seen an increase in all types of buyers. In terms of the purchase of retirement homes specifically, there doesn't appear to be a trend. However, as the market shifts towards the end user, this may change."
A recent survey by Mercer, global provider of consulting, outsourcing and investment services, found that a number of elements were combining to entice expatriates to either stay longer or to permanently relocate. Key among them is greater mobility between jobs, with changes in legislation giving more choice. However, the trend to stay longer in Dubai has also resulted in many expatriates losing their home country pension schemes. This has, in turn, prompted an increase in employer-provided supplementary benefits.
While only eight per cent of the multinationals surveyed by Mercer currently provide a supplementary pension plan in the UAE, 65 per cent of companies surveyed said they were looking into changing their benefits provision, including the setting up of supplementary plans.
Mercer's Callum Burns-Green says that more and more expatriates are now seeking pensions advice in the UAE.
"There is a definite trend for workers to stay longer. With 85 per cent of employees in Dubai being expatriate, there is increased demand for private income schemes," he adds.
"The UAE could be seen as a good retirement base for many who perceive a deterioration of standards of living in places such as the United Kingdom, and are opting for Dubai in terms of better lifestyle, tax-free benefits and low levels of crime and high levels of personal safety," he claims.
Burns-Green adds that as the UAE does not impose salary caps or tax restrictions on local pension plans, financial planners are, therefore, given a blank sheet of paper when it comes to introducing new policies, which gives great flexibility to clients and sections of their workforce.
UAE-based financial advisory company Globaleye is also targeting the expatriate community by teaming up with Hong Kong-based Chesteron Consulting. According to Daniel O'Riordan, joint CEO of Chesterton-Globaleye, Gulf companies with international ambitions need to upgrade their employee benefits if they want to attract and retain quality staff in an increasingly competitive global markets.
"The region's labour laws here were drawn up in the 1970s when circumstances were very different. Expatriates came for a few years and then returned home. Now that people are buying homes and settling here and will soon be retiring, they need to feel that they have financial security. Employee benefits schemes play an increasingly important role in attracting and retaining the right people," says O'Riordan.
A proposed new pensions' savings law in the UAE could also have an important impact on expatriate pension provision. According to recent reports, the General Authority for Pensions and Social Insurance is studying options to bring expatriates in the public and private sectors under the national pensions' scheme.
Furthermore, healthcare has become an important factor for anyone considering retirement in Dubai. According to online service Xpatulator March 2008 worldwide cost of living comparison, Dubai ranks as the 32nd most expensive city in the world (most expensive city is London, and comes in 28th in terms of the cost of general healthcare and medical insurance.
Medical costs are definitely a concern for those living on pension, but retirees who can afford them are also aware that the standards of healthcare provided are very good and compare favourably with Europe and America. Physicians and other health professionals are well-trained and attracted to Dubai through high salaries and world-class facilities.
A recent government announcement to make health cover mandatory for Emiratis and expats alike in Dubai may bring some good news for resident retirees. However, the final framework of this cover is still unclear.
For now, healthcare insurance providers have already stepped up the mark to offer packages specifically geared to foreigners. For example, Dubai Insurance Company and international expatriate insurance specialist William Russell have recently joined together to launch a range of international health, income protection and life insurance plans designed specifically for expatriates. Through its Corporate GlobalHealth plan, members will have access to an expanding network of clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies throughout the Gulf.
The reason for developing those facilities, according to William Russell's Adrian Shaw, is their belief that Dubai is now attracting an increasing number of expatriates wanting to retire to the Emirate.
He adds that apart from the quality retail, leisure and housing facilities, Dubai's healthcare system is also a major draw.
"Expats choosing Dubai as their retirement home can be confident that they will be able to benefit from private healthcare facilities as good as any available in other popular worldwide expatriate destinations. The key, however, is to ensure that they can afford treatment, and good quality international private medical insurance is essential.
"Expatriates also need to give careful consideration to their long-term needs as they become older, as residential care is expensive and it is outside the scope of a private medical insurance," he warns.
The author is a freelance writer based in Dubai.
美国商务部(Commerce Department)周五公布,5月份个人支出较上月增长0.8%,为2007年11月份增长1.0%以来的最大增幅。4月份个人支出修正后为增长0.4%,初步数据为增长0.2%。报告显示,经过季节性因素调整后,5月份个人收入较上月增长1.9%,为2005年9月份增长3.2%以来的最大增幅。4月份个人收入经修正后为增长0.3%,初步数据为增长0.2%。
路透社/密歇根大学(Reuters/University of Michigan) 6月份消费者信心指数从5月份的59.8降至56.4,为1980年5月创下51.7以来的最低水平。
周五金融业的前景再次黯淡,惠誉评级公司(Fitch Ratings)警告称,信用卡发卡行可能面临更多损失,因消费者还贷情况有恶化的趋势。
在信用卡发卡行中,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)跌1.27美元,至35.05美元,跌幅3.5%,为道琼斯指数成份股中百分比跌幅最大的一个。花旗集团跌42美分,至17.25美元,跌幅2.4%,为1997年以来最低收盘水平;Washington Mutual跌24美分,至4.80美元,跌幅4.8%,该股今年迄今已累计下挫65%。
美林公司(Merrill Lynch)跌35美分,至2.70美元,6月份以来累计下挫26%。高盛(Goldman Sachs)指出,美林公司和其他经纪商第二财季在信贷市场的对冲操作可能弄巧成拙。
福特汽车(Ford Motor)跌9美分,至4.98美元。周五全美证交所航空类股指数跌至有史以来最低水平。
Friday, June 27, 2008
道琼斯工业平均价格指数跌至一年多来的最低水平,通用汽车(General Motors)则创下四分之一世纪以来的最低价,原因是原油价格再创历史新高,而高盛(Goldman Sachs)再度引发了人们对于汽车类股及经纪公司类股的忧虑。
道琼斯指数收盘下挫358.41点,至11453.42点,跌幅3.03%,为2006年9月11日以来的最低收盘水平。标准普尔500指数跌38.82点,至1283.15点,跌幅2.94%,为3月17日即贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)崩盘以来的最低收盘位,距52周收盘低位只差约10点。纳斯达克综合指数大跌79.89点,至2321.37点,跌幅3.33%,录得1月4日以来最大跌幅,创下4月15日以来的最低收盘水平。
FuturePath Trading期货经纪商兼分析师Frank Lesh表示,经济面临困境,一方面是经济疲软,另一方面是通货膨胀。要对可怕的经济滞胀问题保持警惕。
道琼斯指数成份股中,通用汽车跌幅最大,该股下跌1.38美元,至11.43美元,跌幅11%,跌至1974年以来的最低价位。克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)一位发言人称,克莱斯勒资本充裕,该言论旨在缓解公司债市场上对该公司破产的担忧,以及消除投资者对汽车类股的恐惧。与此同时,高盛将通用汽车的评级下调至卖出,称从通用汽车消耗现金的情况来看这家汽车巨头可能需要融资。惠誉国际评级(Fitch ratings)下调了通用汽车和克莱斯勒的信用评级,称两家公司现金流下降。通用汽车5月1日公布,第一财政季度亏损32.5亿美元。该汽车巨头曾在3月31日表示,拥有239亿美元可用流动资金。
银行和经纪行类股也跌至信贷危机爆发以来的最低水平。美国银行(Bank of America)是今日道琼斯指数中百分比跌幅第二大的成份股,该股下跌1.80美元,至24.81美元,跌幅6.8%;创2001年以来的最低收盘价。美国银行警告称,作为与抵押贷款商Countrywide Financial合并计划的一部分,该行将裁员约7,500人。
美林(Merrill Lynch)下跌2.41美元,至33.05美元,跌幅6.8%;摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)下跌1.59美元,至36.32美元,跌幅4.2%。
闲说华尔街: 熊来了的信号
- 1.惊慌失措的投资经理会给你写一封道歉信,开头写道:我相信你一定知道6月份极具挑战性;而用作结尾的陈词滥调是:正是在这最具挑战的市场中孕育着最伟大的机会。
- 2.你告诉你老婆华尔街的危机实际上是好事一桩,因为这会让纽约的房价降下来,这样买大点宅子就会容易一些了──即便你一年多前才买了房子、家里没有孩子,而且今年能否得到奖金还是个未知数。
- 3.你再也不用在开车从纽约城到汉普顿一路要花多长时间的问题上向朋友们撒谎了。高速路上已是空空荡荡,车程真像你忽悠人时所说的那样只要1小时45分钟了。
- 4.你从公司CEO那里收到了一封奇奇怪怪、却又似曾相识的邮件,通篇都是讲公司如何如何有信心化解当前困境并愈挫愈强。然后你意识到它和你两个月前从另一位CEO那里收到的信简直就是一个模子里刻出来的。
- 5.随着你们公司年内进行第四次调整,你的办公桌又被挪了位置。你先是猜测着能坐得离老板越来越近可能是个好兆头,然后才赫然发现整个部门里裁得就剩下你和一台复印机了。
- 6. 你还记得当初听到要把银行家工作外包到印度的试行方案时大家曾怎样笑做一团的吧;待到这个计划彻底铺开时,你就再也笑不出来了,你被告知可以收拾东西走人了。
- 7.当你得知公司的既得股、非既得股以及期权价值较9个月前的峰值仅下挫50%时长舒了一口气,全然没意识到你本来有机会将手中这类资产的大部分以一个今后十年都难得一见的好价钱套现。
- 8.在连续几个月不肯承认农业热已然出现后你终于屈服了,总算认识到一家化肥企业的股票存在巨大价值,该公司目前720亿美元的市值只有两年前的十分之一。
- 9.你在公司里边溜达边告诉每一个人,你曾先知先觉地警告过他们那些交易员总会自食其果的;直到你忽然想起来那些交易员仍在管理着你的、以及大多数华尔街公司的户头。
Evan Newmark
Thursday, June 26, 2008
UAE ranks among world's top 10 locations to work
Dubai: The UAE is in the top ten preferred destinations for workers worldwide, according to the recent Relocating For Work survey released on Tuesday by Manpower Middle East, part of Manpower, a global employment services firm.
The survey, part of a worldwide research paper carried out by Manpower, asked 31,574 people in 27 countries about their preferred work destination, and the UAE ranked sixth.
Among workers already based in the Middle East, the UAE was the top destination, with Qatar coming fifth, Saudi Arabia eighth and Bahrain ninth.
"The results of this survey are great news for the region," said Varina Nissen, managing director of Manpower Middle East, which has operations in the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
"It means that people across the world are actively seeking employment in the Middle East, which drives the quality of talent up, providing employers with more choice of top quality candidates.
"With the level of growth in the region, the demand for workers is at an all-time high. As the region continues to develop and build a reputation as a preferred destination, we are likely to see more and more people wanting to move to the Middle East for career advancement," Nissen added.
The second wave of the Zurich Wealth Monitor, a research probe into the attitudes and future financial plans of Zurich's core customer groups, questioned 700 expatriate professionals living in the UAE, Bahrain and Qatar in April. The research revealed on average that 49 per cent of expatriates living in the region felt their employer offers adequate employee benefits.
An official from Xpert HR Consultancy said the region offers best opportunities for workers with several multinational corporations, but still faces challenges like low salaries, poor housing conditions and difficult visa situations.
Perks: Pension schemes emerge
Another report from Zurich International Life (Zurich) revealed that pensions are becoming an increasingly important feature of an employee's benefits package for expatriates living in the Gulf region.
With 21 per cent of firms in the UAE and Bahrain and 13 per cent in Qatar already including pensions as part of their overall package to employees, the pension penny is beginning to drop.
"Attracting and retaining employees is a major challenge for companies around the world, not least in terms of cost. But in the Middle East, a market where finding and retaining staff is increasingly difficult and employees are looking to secure their future, offering pensions is now a vital component of the employment offer. Not only are pensions a very attractive benefit from the employee's perspective, they can also prove appealing for employers in terms of helping to retain staff," said Paul Haran, Zurich's Middle East Regional Director.
2020年达30%土著股权目标 印裔股权3年来却微跌0.1%
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
财富增长 西方不亮东方亮
据美林公司(Merrill Lynch & Co.)和Capgemini公布的《世界财富报告》(World Wealth Report)显示,2007年巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国的百万富翁总数增加了19%,相比之下美国的增幅只有3.7%,是2002年以来增幅最小的一年。
在《福布斯》亿万富翁榜上,印度人占据了前八位中的四个,墨西哥的卡洛斯•斯利姆(Carlos Slim)超过比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)成为全球第二富豪。巴菲特(Warren Buffett)位居第一,盖茨则排名第三。
哈佛大学的经济学家肯尼斯•罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)说,这些国家的金融市场正在深化,使得很多企业家能够将旗下业务上市变现。
Burgess首席执行长乔纳森•贝克特(Jonathan Beckett)说,说到超级游艇,印度将是下一个俄罗斯。
隶属于General Dynamics Corp.的私人喷气式飞机制造商Gulfstream的业务增长正越来越多地来自美国以外的国家。该司发言人表示,尽管2007年北美的喷气机订单增加了30%,但还是输给了海外订单,这在公司49年的历史中是头一次。
Gulfstream的发言人罗伯特•巴格涅特(Robert Baugniet)说,很多新增的买家都“不习惯等待”,当有人听说他们订购的G550要到2013年第一季度才能交货时,他们就会把装满现金的手提箱摇得格格作响,不明白为什么要等。
Robert Frank
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Country Awards: Best local houses, part 1
We are pleased to announce the winners of our Country Awards for Achievement. Today, the best domestic firms in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand.
Our annual look at the best financial services firms in each country around the region has produced the following list of top domestic houses. A full write-up of the reasoning behind the individual awards, which refer to the period from June 2007 to May 2008, will be published in the July issue of FinanceAsia magazine.
Best Bank
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China advertisement
Best Investment Bank
China International Capital Corp
Best Bond House
Citic Securities
Best Equity House
China International Capital Corp
Best Broker
Citic Securities
Best Cash Management Bank
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Best Trade Finance Bank
Bank of China
Best Foreign Exchange Bank
Bank of China
Best Private Bank
China Merchants Bank
Best Bank
Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Best Investment Bank
Danareksa Securities
Best Bond House
Danareksa Securities
Best Equity House
Danareksa Securities
Best Broker
Bahana Securities
Best Cash Management Bank
Mandiri Bank
Best Trade Finance Bank
PT Bank Danamon
Best Foreign Exchange Bank
Bank Central Asia
Best Bank
Public Bank
Best Investment Bank
Best Bond House
Best Equity House
Best Broker
Best Cash Management Bank
Best Trade Finance Bank
Best Foreign Exchange Bank
Best Private Bank
CIMB Private Banking
Best Bank
Bank of the Philippine Islands
Best Investment Bank
BDO Capital
Best Bond House
BDO Capital
Best Equity House
ATR-Kim Eng Capital Partners
Best Broker
ATR-Kim Eng Securities
Best Cash Management Bank
Bank of the Philippine Islands
Best Foreign Exchange Bank
Bank of the Philippine Islands
Best Private Bank
BDO Private Bank
South Korea
Best Bank
Shinhan Bank
Best Investment Bank
Korea Development Bank
Best Bond House
Korea Investment & Securities
Best Equity House
Korea Investment & Securities
Best Broker
Samsung Securities
Best Trade Finance Bank
Korea Exchange Bank
Best Foreign Exchange Bank
Korea Exchange Bank
Best Private Bank
Samsung Securities Private Bank
Best Bank
Siam Commercial Bank
Best Investment Bank
Best Bond House
Siam Commercial Bank
Best Equity House
Phatra Securities
Best Broker
Phatra Securities
Best Cash Management Bank
Siam Commercial Bank
Best Trade Finance
Best Foreign Exchange Bank
Siam Commercial Bank
Best Private Bank
Siam Commercial Bank
From Finance Asia 24 June 2008
Frustrated by rising cost of living in the UAE
The prospect of getting relief from the rising cost of living in the UAE seems gloomy, as a recent report confirms that the situation has become worse than ever before.
Recruitment consultant Kershaw Leonard recently released its comprehensive report on the cost of living in the UAE, compiling prices of almost all requirements of living, from air tickets, school and medical charges to golf club membership fees.
The 60-page report showed that the prices of housing, food, transportation and travel, education, medical and healthcare have all generally ramped up in the last 12 months.
The smallest increase was two per cent for the annual renewal registration of sports utility vehicles. The biggest was 122 per cent for the highest level of school fees in Dubai.
Judging by the trend in price movements, it appears that Dubai is now well on its way to raising its ranking as one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, with inflation set to rise further, according to Kershaw Leonard managing partner Mike Hynes.
"Dubai is fast approaching Central London pricing. If you look at other reports that have been carried out, I think Dubai has been shooting up the scales, and there's no sign that it's stopping," Hynes told Gulf News.
Hynes said higher prices are almost an inevitable consequence in a city like Dubai, where a massive explosion in development is taking place.
He added that rising food prices, the new driver of inflation, as well as the proposed value-added tax (VAT), are only going to make matters worse.
"There are no signs that the rental market and the housing market, generally, are under control. So the factors, as we can see, that are driving inflation are not under control and there's no sign that they're [getting there]. So, the forecast has to be that the cost of living in Dubai is set to continue to increase."
Marios Maratheftis, regional head of research for Standard Chartered, said the findings of the report provide further evidence that inflation expectations in the UAE are now "getting out of control".
"It is worth bearing in mind that expectations tend to be self-fulfilling, which suggests that they can translate into even higher inflation in the future. There is a need to tighten liquidity through monetary policy, and this cannot happen without altering the (US dollar exchange-rate) peg," Maratheftis said.
The rising cost of living in the UAE is influenced by a combination of global and local factors, which include world food prices, the declining US dollar and the country's strong economic growth, according to Monica Malik, chief economist at investment bank EFG-Hermes.
She said that the local capacity constraints associated with the strong investment drive spreading across the GCC are a driving force behind rising inflation levels. She noted that, in a growing economy, there is a rising demand for housing due to a huge influx of people, and when supply fails to meet demand, prices rise.
"A lot of the price increases are linked with where we are in the economic cycle right now," Malik told Gulf News.
While the report paints a gloomy picture, Piyush Mathur, regional managing director of research organisation The Nielsen Company, said it is nothing to be alarmed about, because the rising costs are being balanced out by high job prospects and state of personal finances in the UAE.
"On one side, you have education, healthcare and other costs rising, but on the other side, the job prospects and state of personal finances are increasing at a significant pace as well. So, the good side kind of balances out the negative aspect. If both sides of the pendulum are going down, then that would be a real gloomy situation," Mathur told Gulf News.
Hynes said that the rising costs are indeed affecting residents in the UAE, but there is a split as to how these are impacting people.
While those earning a good living may only have to cut back on certain "palatable" aspects, such as going out for dinner or changing beach clubs, Hynes said those who are at the bottom of the pay scale will have to face more difficult choices, such as sending the children or family back to their home countries.
Nasir Iqbal from Pakistan, who has been in Dubai for six years, said escalating prices are making him consider relocating abroad. Nasir's annual expenditure on housing has quadrupled from Dh12,000 to Dh48,000 in just one year.
And, since his salary is only enough to meet his own direct needs, Nasir said he can't afford to take his wife from Pakistan to live with him in Dubai.
"Life is tough for me. I don't have time for relaxation because I have to work from morning to evening to meet my expenses. I've been cut off from my friends also because they can't afford to live in my neighbourhood, which is a bit expensive compared to where they're staying in Dubai," Nasir said.
Anusyia Nathan from Malaysia said she has to cut back on her spending to be able to save some money, as rental and food prices are hurting her pockets.
"Now I'm paying Dh7,000 a month for my accommodation compared to Dh5,500 last year. If you spend Dh100 at the grocery now, you will go home with about five items. Last year, Dh100 can get you about six to seven basic items," Anusyia said.
According to the report, the cost of renting apartments and villas in Dubai has gone up by as little as eight per cent to as much as 77 per cent between 2007 and 2008, depending on the size and location of the property.
Confirming previous reports, Kershaw's data showed that in some areas in Dubai like International City, Al Barsha, Green Community and Dubai Marina, some apartments have posted lower increases, between eight and 12 per cent.
Prime spots
But new prime spots such as the Burj Residence in Downtown Burj Dubai have registered the biggest increase in apartment rents in one year. A two-bedroom flat in the area has increased by 42 per cent and a three-bedroom by more than half (57 per cent). In Mirdif, a four-bedroom villa rental skyrocketed by 77 per cent.
However, Dubai and Abu Dhabi seem to have outstripped the three strongest markets in the United States. Kershaw examined the rents for a two-bedroom apartment in the UAE and found that the average median monthly rents in Dubai and Abu Dhabi ($1,811 and $2,264 respectively) are higher than those in New York metro area ($1,729), San Francisco ($1,685) and Boston ($1,528).
As for food, the report confirmed that a basket of basic items that cost Dh151.50 in 2006 now costs Dh180.45, posting an almost 20 per cent increase over a two-year period.
The same scenario is reflected in the transportation and travel category. For instance, a basic taxi fare per kilometre in Dubai rose by three per cent to Dh1.75, while monthly car rentals increased by six to 80 per cent, depending on the type of vehicle. Likewise, travelling outside the country has edged up a bit, with economy air tickets to London, Philippines, Mumbai, Paris and Singapore rising by between three and 11 per cent.
Price increases in the education sector are even more dramatic. For kindergarten 1 level at schools with a Western curriculum, the maximum fees went up from Dh29,687 to Dh66,000, showing a 122 per cent increase. The significant increases were attributed to the entry of new schools, which are exempt from hike restrictions.
The upward movement in prices is likewise recorded in the medical and healthcare sector. The cost of visiting a general physician at the leading international-standard hospital in Dubai has more than tripled in four years, the report said. Middle-end hospitals showed an aggregate increase of around 20 per cent.
Yet, despite the gloomy figures, Hynes said the future of Dubai or the UAE looks "very rosy", given the influx of investments and the huge stream of expatriates and visitors.
"There's still a huge amount of investments and a huge number of people wanting to come here. There's massive opportunity to make this place really outstanding. But, to do that, you have to make sure that the people who are making it happen will stay here, and be happy to be here," he said.
Monday, June 23, 2008
但对长期持有型投资者来说,这个貌似保守的策略实际上只会起到相反效果。下面介绍的是Stockbusters投资俱乐部的情况,这是个由大约25位达拉斯妇女组成的小团体,她们聚会讨论并挑选股票已经有20年的时间了。今年早些时候,俱乐部的成员经分析后决定买进两只能源股票──XTO Energy Inc.与Chesapeake Energy Corp.。
尽管该俱乐部着眼于长期投资,但成员们还是设定了止损指令;如果股价跌幅达到10%,就自动抛售上述股份。还没等俱乐部召开下一次月度例会,这两只股票就已经被自动抛售了;然而,股价又在几个星期内实现了反弹,而且还在继续上涨。俱乐部负责财务的南茜•罗伯茨(Nanci Roberts)说,“这一策略并不理想。”
为了避免止损系统自动抛售苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的股票,从而失去该股的未来收益,俱乐部成员决定不对该股设置止损指令。由于止损盘被触发,成员们此前不得不数次购回苹果股票。
嘉信理财(Charles Schwab Corp.)、TD Ameritrade Holding Corp.以及E*Trade Financial Corp.等经纪行表示,由于股市波动加剧,投资者为求应变而寻找更为复杂的策略,他们发现此类风险管理工具的运用不断增加。E*Trade称,该行发现过去一年止损指令的运用量上升了10%;而TD Ameritrade也表示,发现这一策略的使用量出现了两位数增长。
了解自己。Legg Mason Capital Management的首席投资策略师麦克尔•莫布森(Michael Mauboussin)说,止损有时间地点之分,但必须与你的整体策略保持一致。
由于止损指令的工作原理,这一策略并不总能保证你不会遭受更大损失。一旦设定的止损价被触及,那么无论现在市场价格如何,系统都会自动抛售你的股票,哪怕市价远远低于你的意向售价。3月中旬贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns Cos.)股价崩溃时,这种情况就曾经出现过。此类情形下,一只股票可能前一分钟还是12美元,下一分钟就跌到了8美元,直接跳过了10美元的止损价格。
减损而不是试图止损。宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School)金融教授、畅销书作者杰里米•西格尔(Jeremy Siegel)认为,长期投资者总的来说应当避免止损操作。对那些担忧股价短期走势的投资者,他推荐了另外一种不同的策略:买进看跌期权,这种期权能够使你在未来某一时间以某一价格卖出股票。
保留收益。对长期持有型投资者来说,止损指令可能是最有效的锁定收益手段,而不是避免损失的手段。嘉信理财负责主动交易与投资事宜的副总裁约瑟夫•维耶特里(Joseph Vietri)说,股东们应当为股价上涨和下跌的情况制定离场计划。比如说,如果你持有的微软(Microsoft Corp.)股票从24美元暴涨到35美元,但你却还不舍不得出手,那么设在32美元的止损指令能帮助你锁定收益。如果股价进一步下跌,而你还看好该股潜力,那么你大可以再次买入。
Karen Blumenthal
澳大利亚股市受到逢低吸纳买盘及财政年度末买盘的支持,未受华尔街股市上周五大幅下挫拖累。基准的S&P/ASX 200指数收盘下跌4.6点,至5283.7点,跌幅0.1%。
Sunday, June 22, 2008
这一两天,我游览一个马来西亚的播不停音乐的网站,像似收音机般,称为Live FM, 里面你可以参与点歌;有机会加入成为DJ;有聊天室;各种各样的论坛;还有软件,MP3与电影下载,类似香港的,不过多了一些新意儿,有空不妨游览一下。
【明報專訊】若過去一年香港股市被形容為「過山車」,那麼,越南股市可說是「跳樓機」,暴漲暴跌。今年以來越南股市一度累積跌逾67%,股民損失慘重。該國最大證券公司——西貢證券公司(Saigon Securities)接受本報訪問時分析,利息高企,當地投資者紛紛拋售股票向銀行還款,令股市低迷。不過,外資機構投資者仍對市場基調樂觀,正在吸納股份「撈底」,相信今年底該國股市可重拾升軌。
越南主要指數VN Index,在06年底用了半年時間,由250點直衝上最高1158點,暴升3倍多。不過自從通脹惡化,指數同樣於半年間暴瀉至300多點,幾近打回原形。本月初經歷了連續20天跌市後,一度停市幾天,直到日前連續5天升市,才露曙光。監管部門一直在研究救市措施,擴闊指數每日波幅(主板由2%擴至3%)被視為良方之一,政策昨日首告落實,惟隨即瀉逾2%,是3個月來最大單日跌幅。
七成是散戶 易掀恐慌性拋售
市場佔有率逾一成的西貢證券公司,其經紀部主管Ho Minh Tri,昨在胡志明市總部接受訪問說,去年股民蜂擁投入股市,每日新開的證券戶口上百個,現時僅約20個,該行的佣金收入減少30%至40%,管理層已重新調整全年盈利預測。
Saturday, June 21, 2008
新加坡豐益國際(Wilmar International)和印多福農業(Indofood Agri)則是根據市況和現月貨進行交易。
雖然IOI集團在上遊的擴充計劃不如豐益國際和印多福農業般積極,但該公司正慢慢透過荷蘭鹿特丹的洛德斯克羅科蘭(Loders Croklaan),在美國和歐洲食品領域佔據一席位,並宣佈計劃投資2億美元在美國和歐洲興建新廠房。
1. 傳國行總裁潔蒂辭職
2. 傳森那美朱比爾辭職
事件“起火點”是森那美多位高層因為兩年前的期貨交易虧損而被“ 炒”,火勢過後一發不可收拾,傳言如野火燎原,傳至朱比爾辭職的消息,作為最大市值上市公司,森那美的一舉一動有左右馬股的力量,而掌舵人離開更是“驚人”消息,也“搶”去市場所有目光。
3. 傳國行調高利率
4. 傳大藍籌海外高價購資產
投資者對企業併購和海外投資的熱衷再不如往日。市場消息指出,土著聯昌(COMMERZ,1023;主板金融組)計劃以59億泰銖(約5億8124萬令吉)出資收購泰國第4大銀行泰國銀行(Bank Thai)42%股權或展開全面獻購計劃,後續發展備受矚目。
周五金融股也再度大跌,下跌股既包括美国银行(Bank of America)等地区性银行和商业银行,也包括美林(Merrill Lynch)等大型投资银行。
导致股市下挫的最大因素仍然是原油价格上涨,道琼斯工业平均价格指数收在3月10日以来的最低水平,该日期是贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)危机爆发前一周。自原油价格在5月份突破每桶130美元后,通用汽车(General Motors)和美利坚航空公司(American Airlines)母公司AMR Corp.等公司纷纷警告燃油价格对其业务模式造成了压力。商品价格一直在左右股市走势。
周五这种状况尤其明显,德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)股票策略师Binky Chadha发表报告称,美国股市已被油价控制,他表示,油价和股市走势负相关程度为至少18个月来的最强水平。
金融股也再遭重创,Financial Select Sector SPDR收盘下跌1.7%,至22.18美元,创下5年多来最低收盘水平。
领跌股是美林,债券保险商MBIA和Ambac Financial信用评级遭下调引发了进一步资产冲减的忧虑。债券保险商是金融系统的关键环节,失去AAA级评级将威胁到其为银行和经纪公司承保的债券价值。此外影响银行股的消息是,花旗(Citigroup)发出预警,可能不得不进一步大幅冲减问题资产。
Friday, June 20, 2008
中国上次调整国内成品油价格是去年11月,调价幅度为10%,而当时的原油价格约为每桶90美元。中国国家发展和改革委员会(National Development and Reform Commission)表示,此次将汽油和柴油的基准价格分别上调了17%和18%,自本周五开始生效。汽油价格将从每加仑2.80美元(1加仑=3.785升)涨至3.05美元,柴油价格将从每加仑2.45美元涨至3.05美元,这也是四年来的最大涨幅。全国销售电价平均上涨了4.7%。
随着通胀问题日益成为全球关注的焦点,对中国价格管制的政治压力甚至有可能超过对其汇率政策的长期争执,成为中国最具争议性的国际经济议题。美国财政部长亨利•鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)谈及能源的次数明显增加。他敦促中国政府放弃能源价格控制措施,称美国在上世纪70年代经过痛苦的经历后才发现,这种做法行不通。他也在本周的中美战略经济对话中再次提到了这个问题。
纽约咨询公司Rhodium Group的中国能源专家特雷弗•豪泽(Trevor Houser)说,中国即将取代沙特阿拉伯,成为美国眼中制造高油价的罪魁祸首。华盛顿抱怨中国价格管制的人同指责人民币汇率的都是同一群人。
周三,16名民主党参议员致信布什政府官员,指责中国的价格管制是油价上涨的原因,敦促他们在这个问题上给中国施加压力。署名者包括前总统参选人希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)。他们在信中写道,美国人在加油站看到的情况在某种程度上是由中国发生的事情导致的。
国际能源署(International Energy Agency)在最新一期石油市场报告中写道,自2007年以来,中国持续面临着成品油短缺的局面,这表明存在着巨大的潜在需求。IEA称,因为这些潜在的需求,如果零售价格上涨改善了供应情况,中国的石油需求增长甚至还会加速。
这次涨价能否让炼油厂完全扭亏为盈尚不清楚:一些分析师曾估计需要涨价25%才能实现这一目标。纽约股市周四,中国石油类公司的亚洲存托凭证大幅上扬。由于这一涨价消息,中国石化(China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.)上涨了9.4%,中国石油(PetroChina Co.)上涨了6%。
Rhodium Group的豪泽说,如果中国经济按10%的速度增长,即使油价上涨,石油需求还是会增加。他说,只有在石油消费者转而采用其它低能耗的手段时,高油价才能抑制需求,但目前中国并没有多少这样的手段。大多数中国城市的公共交通服务并不完善,让许多上班族别无选择。铁路运输通常都已满负荷运转,使消耗柴油的卡车运输成为企业仅有的选择之一。
美国咨询机构High Frequency Economics的卡尔•韦恩伯格(Carl Weinberg)说,中国在石油方面的消费相对较小。因此我很难理解为何要归咎于中国。中国是其他大宗商品市场的重要力量。它占全球钢铁需求的一半,铜需求的四分之一,但只占全球石油消费的不到10%。他说,将中国在钢铁或铜市场上的作用延伸到石油市场的做法是错误的。这是一种株连的做法。
Andrew Batson
Thursday, June 19, 2008
政治动荡引起市场担忧 马股失守1200跌16点
國內外利空罩頂; 下半年經濟前景暗淡
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
KNM keen to supply equipment for LNG project
KNM GROUP Bhd, a world-class process equipment manufacturer, wants to tap business opportunities that will be generated from Petroliam Nasional Bhd's (Petronas) recent acquisition of a 40 per cent stake in Santos Ltd's liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Gladstone, Australia.
Its chairman Datuk Mohamad Idris Mansor said the company is keen to supply process equipment for the proposed building of plants under the Gladstone LNG project.
"We will participate in the plant building rather than development of the project. They need process equipment, and we will tender to supply them," he told reporters after the company's annual general meeting in Sri Kembangan yesterday.
Last month, Petronas announced that it is paying US$2.5 billion (RM8.12 billion) or 40 per cent interest in Santos' LNG project in Gladstone. Under the agreement, a new entity will be set up which will also build and operate a 450km pipeline from jointly-owned upstream coal seam gas (CSG) assets to the project site as well as undertake all marketing activities for the project's LNG output.
Idris said KNM's subsidiary in Australia, KNM Pty Ltd, will be able to supply process equipment for the facilities in Gladstone.
"If there are opportunities for us to bid for their plant, meaning they have to build a plant to handle the project, our Australian office can definitely participate in bidding for it," he added.
Meanwhile, KNM Group managing director Lee Swee Eng said he believes KNM will have the edge to secure contracts from the Gladstone project through its recently acquired German company, Borsig.
"Borsig is very strong in this CSG area, particularly in reactors and boilers," he said.
KNM acquired Borsig this year for €350 million (RM1.7 billion).
Lee said KNM has not started talking to Petronas yet about the Gladstone project, and may opt instead to approach turnkey contractors appointed by the national oil company.
"We will come in very much mid-way into the project. For the early phase, Petronas will be talking to engineering consultants or turnkey contractors," he said.
He added that KNM expects to start bidding for contracts after 2010, the third year of the five-year planned period for the Gladstone project.
KNM bids for RM20b of projects
The value of the contracts the engineering group is bidding for can go as high as RM50 million or less than RM1 million per project, says its group MD
KNM Group Bhd, a world-class process equipment fabricator, is bidding for RM20 billion worth of projects overseas, namely in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar.
Group managing director Lee Swee Eng said that traditionally, the company's success rate in securing projects is between 20 per cent and 25 per cent.
"We are continuously bidding for projects irrespective of their size and value of the contracts. It can go as high as RM50 million or less than RM1 million per project," he told reporters after KNM's annual general meeting in Seri Kembangan, Selangor, yesterday.
"At any one time, we will bid for an average of 100 projects," he said.
KNM's order book stands at RM4.2 billion, with 95 per cent of the projects overseas and the rest domestic.
"Our order book is quite diversified and evenly spread around the world. We have projects in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, China, North and South America, Canada and Europe," Lee said.
He added that organic expansion will continue to be its main growth driver this year.
"The group continues to strive to improve its global market share for process equipment by expanding its current manufacturing plants and establishing new facilities in global oil and gas hotspots."
For instance, it approved capital expenditure last year to set up manufacturing facilities in Alberta, Canada; Espirito, Brazil; and Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
"Once completed, the manufacturing facilities will significantly improve the group's ability to secure more contracts for projects in Canada, Brazil and the Middle East," Lee said.
The plant in Alberta is expected to be operational by the third quarter.
The company also announced plans this year to acquire two process equipment manufacturers, namely Belgium's Ellimetal and Germany's Borsig, for €20 million (RM101 million) and €350 million (RM1.8 billion) respectively.
"Such acquisitions are intended to elevate the group up the process equipment value chain," Lee said.
He added that Borsig had already started contributing to the group's revenue, while Ellimetal was expected to generate revenue by next month.
"Borsig's acquisition was completed on June 6, and its revenue consolidated in KNM's account this month, while we are close to concluding the purchase of Ellimetal this month."
Lee also said that the company does not actually reap benefits from the high oil price, but more from the demand for such fossil fuel.
"When there is demand for fuel, there will definitely be more jobs for us, the service providers.
"But it will not be good if the price of oil rises too high as that will adversely affect the economy, which will result in less demand for fuel," he said.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
科恩馬甫在本月6日,完成收購德國工程公司Borsig BBtev(簡稱Borsig)。
至于比利時油氣加工配備生產商Ellimetal NV收購計劃,李瑞興預計,可在月內完成收購,並從7月開始貢獻公司盈利。
Monday, June 16, 2008
科恩馬(KNM,7164,主板工業)總值17億令吉、全面收購德國工程公司Borsig BBtev的併購案也將在年底完成。
此外,預計馬石油(Petronas)與馬石油天然氣之間的供電收費合約(Throughput Fee Agreement),將在7月1日獲調整,料進一步提高后者收入。
因此,僑豐投資研究上調馬石油天然氣評級至“短線買進”(Trading Buy),目標價格為10.30令吉。
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The World's Best Places to Live 2008
Mercer Consulting's annual roundup of the global cities with the best quality of life is here, and Zurich once again comes out on top. The best place in the U.S.? Honolulu at No. 28.
New York, London, and Paris are internationally renowned cities but consultants at Mercer Consulting have picked Zurich, Switzerland, as the best place to live in the company's annual survey.
Consultants rated each city on a variety of factors including the level of traffic congestion, air quality, and personal safety reported by expatriates living in more than 600 cities worldwide. In the top 25, U.S. cities such as San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago were all edged out by Geneva, Switzerland, Vancouver, B.C., and Auckland, New Zealand. The highest-scoring U.S. city is Honolulu, which came in at No. 28.
Still, Mercer acknowledges that cities with a high quality of life are not necessarily the most exciting. "There are a lot of 'sleepy' towns that got high ratings," said Rebecca Powers, a principal consultant in human capital for the company. "But if you were to judge them on something like nightlife, there are some that probably wouldn't have rated as high."
No. 1: Zurich, Switzerland
Mercer score: 108*
2007 rank: No. 1
GDP: $300.9 billion (2007 est.)**
Population: 7,581,520 (total country); 347,517 (total city)
Life expectancy: 80.74 years
No. 2 (tie): Vienna, Austria
Mercer score: 107.9
2007 rank: No. 3
GDP: $319.7 billion (2007 est.)
Population: 8,205,533 (total country); 1,825,287 (total city)
Life expectancy: 79.36 years
No. 2 (tie): Geneva, Switzerland
Mercer score: 107.9
2007 rank: No. 2
GDP: $300.9 billion (2007 est.)
Population: 7,581,520 (total country); 185,000 (total city)
Life expectancy: 80.74 years
No. 4: Vancouver, Canada
Mercer score: 107.6
2007 rank: No. 3
GDP: $1.274 trillion (2007 est.)
Population: 33,212,696 (total country); 560,000 (total city)
Life expectancy: 81.16 years
No. 5: Auckland, New Zealand
Mercer score: 107.3
2007 rank: No. 5
GDP: $112.6 billion (2007 est.)
Population: 4,173,460 (total country); 1.18 million (total city)
Life expectancy: 80.24 years
No. 6: Dusseldorf, Germany
Mercer score: 107.2
2007 rank: No. 6
GDP: $2.833 trillion (2007 est.)
Population: 82,369,548 (total country); 581,858 (total city)
Life expectancy: 79.1 years
No. 7 (tie): Munich, Germany
Mercer score: 107
2007 rank: No. 8
GDP: $2.833 trillion (2007 est.)
Population: 82,369,548 (total country); 1,332,650 (total city)
Life expectancy: 79.1 years
No. 7 (tie): Frankfurt, Germany
Mercer score: 107
2007 rank: No. 7
GDP: $2.833 trillion (2007 est.)
Population: 82,369,548 (total country); 3,700,000 (total city)
Life expectancy: 79.1 years
No. 9: Bern, Switzerland
Mercer score: 106.5
2007 rank: No. 9
GDP: $319.7 billion (2007 est.)
Population: 8,205,533 (total country); 122,178 (total city)
Life expectancy: 79.36 years
No. 10: Sydney, Australia
Mercer score: 106.3
2007 rank: No. 9
GDP: $766.8 billion (2007 est.)
Population: 20,600,856 (total country); 4,297,100 (total city)
Life expectancy: 80.73 years
Builders want mandatory clause on price fluctuations
PETALING JAYA: The Master Builders Association of Malaysia (MBAM) has requested the Government to consider a mandatory fluctuation cost clause for all future construction contracts due to rising building material and fuel prices.
MBAM said in the interim, for existing projects without the clause, builders should be compensated for additional costs due to the increase in material prices.
“This additional cost can be computed using the same mechanism provided in the conventional ‘build' contract for government projects,” it said in a statement yesterday.
For future projects, it said, the inclusion of adjustments for price fluctuations should be extended from the conventional “build” contracts, to all “design and build” contracts, direct negotiation contracts and other projects undertaken by semi-government bodies and agencies.
For private contracts, the tender documents should state building materials for private jobs to be supplied at a fixed price and deducted from the main contract.
The association said the recent diesel and petrol price hikes were having an impact on its members, while contractors were finding it harder to manage construction costs due to rising material costs.
Due to the uncertainty of costs, it said contractors wanted the Government to look into measures to ensure the delivery and sustainability of projects, especially due to some cost-push factors.
The factors included high construction demand due to the sudden implementation of projects under the Ninth Malaysia Plan and the economic corridors; high-end property development projects; and also the continued demand for building materials and labour worldwide.
The Star
KNM in, Gamuda out of FBM30 index
KNM Group Bhd will replace Gamuda Bhd in the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Large 30 Index after the half-yearly index review, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Advisory Committee announced yesterday.
The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Mid-70 Index experienced similar turnover levels as the last review with seven new stocks entered the mid-cap index compared to eight during the December 2007 review, the committee said in a statement.
The new stocks are Gamuda Bhd, Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Bhd, Ann Joo Resources Bhd, Kinsteel Bhd, Tradewinds Malaysia Bhd, Media Chinese International Ltd and Boustead Properties Bhd.
As for the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Hijrah Syariah Index, a tradeable index of 30 stocks to be used as the basis for international Syariah-compliant products, two changes were approved with the inclusion of KLCC Property Holdings Bhd and Star Publications Malaysia Bhd.
According to the committee, the changes to the indices are to take place as part of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series half-yearly review.
“The regular reviews ensure the indices remain an accurate reflection of the market they represent,” it said, adding that the changes will take effect at start of business on June 23, 2008. — Bernama
Friday, June 13, 2008
目前,基本上马股里只有大型种植股比如IOICorp, Sime, KLK, PPB, Asiatic,Bstead比较有看头,小型种植股不屑一顾。油气股我选择KNM与Sapcres,可以作短线投资,其他的可以不用看。其他sector股类恐怕会出现利空或业绩财测下调甚至亏损,首选建筑股,原因如下:
Asiatic to develop palm plantation in Indonesia
KUALA LUMPUR: Asiatic Development Bhd’s wholly-owned subsidiary Mediglove Sdn Bhd has proposed joint ventures to acquire and develop 45,000ha of oil palm plantation at Kabupaten Kapuas in Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia.
In a statement yesterday, it said Mediglove would subscribe for six million shares in Asianindo Holdings Pte Ltd for US$9 million (RM29.25 million) cash while Kara Agri Pte Ltd would subscribe for 3.999 million shares at US$1 each.
Mediglove would also subscribe for 3,000 shares in Gaiaagri Services Ltd for US$3,000 while Gaiaagri Holdings Ltd would subscribe for 6,999 shares at US$1 each.
“Mediglove will initially subscribe for 60% equity interest in Asianindo, and progressively increase its equity interest to 77% in line with additional equity injection of US$37.75 million,” the company said.
It said Kara would have a 40% interest in Asianindo, and pare it down to 23% at a later stage.
Under the agreements, Asianindo would buy, develop and own the oil palm plantation and palm oil mills in Kabupaten Kapuas while Gaiaagri Services would be the sole and exclusive provider of the management services to Asianindo for the cultivation and development of oil palm plantation and setting up take palm oil mill for five years.
“By outsourcing the cultivation and development of oil palm plantation and establishment of palm oil mill of the proposed JV to Gaiaagri Services, Asiatic is able to accelerate its expansion and pursue its growth strategy in increasing its footprint in oil palm cultivation in Indonesia and other parts of the world,” it added.
Asia's best managed companies: Taiwan
We publish the results of our annual poll to find Asia's top companies. Today, Taiwan.
For our eighth annual poll of Asia's top companies we have collected votes from 167 investors and analysts across the region. The results are being published country by country over a two-week period and the final day will also reveal which companies are viewed to be the best managed in the region in eight key sectors.
Here are the results for Taiwan.
Best managed company Votes
1. TSMC 44
2. MediaTek 25
3. Delta Electronics 15
4. Hon Hai Precision 14
5. China Steel 12
5. Formosa Plastics Group 12
5. Cathay Financial 12
8. HTC 11
9. Yuanta Financial 7
Best corporate governance Votes
1. TSMC 52
2. China Steel 30
3. MediaTek 12
4. First Financial 10
5. FarEasTone 9
5. Formosa Plastics Group 9
7. Asustek 8
8. HTC 6
8. Yuanta Financial 6
Best investor relations Votes
1. TSMC 40
2. China Steel 26
3. Acer 22
4. Delta Electronics 14
5. Fubon Financial 10
6. MediaTek 9
7. Yuanta Financial 7
7. D-Link 7
Most committed to a strong dividend policy Votes
1. TSMC 34
2. China Steel 28
3. Chunghwa Telecom 18
4. Formosa Plastics Group 12
4. Mega Holdings 12
4. Delta Electronics 12
7. MediaTek 10
Best mid-cap Votes
1. Silitech 14
Best small-cap Votes
1. Shin Zu Shing 13
Best CFO Votes
1. Lora Ho (TSMC) 16
2. Ming-To Yu (MediaTek) 7
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Asia's best managed companies: Thailand
We publish the results of our annual poll to find Asia's top companies. Today, Thailand.
For our eighth annual poll of Asia's top companies we have collected votes from 167 investors and analysts across the region. The results are being published country by country over a two-week period and the final day will also reveal which companies are viewed to be the best managed in the region in eight key sectors.
Here are the results for Thailand.
Best managed company Votes
1. PTT 46
2. Siam Cement 42
3. PTTEP 29
4. Thai Oil 14
5. Kasikornbank 12
5. Banpu 12
7. The Erawan Group 11
8. Siam Commercial Bank 10
9. Precious Shipping 9
Best corporate governance Votes
1. Siam Cement 52
2. PTT 32
3. Siam Commercial Bank 16
4. Banpu 15
5. Kasikornbank 14
6. PTTEP 12
7. DTAC 10
8. Thai Oil 9
9. Precious Shipping 6
Best investor relations Votes
1. PTT 34
2. Siam Commercial Bank 32
3. Banpu 27
4. Kasikornbank 21
5. Siam Cement 17
6. Charoen Pokphand Foods 16
7. Egco 12
8. The Erawan Group 11
9. PTTEP 10
Most committed to a strong dividend policy Votes
1. Siam Cement 60
2. PTT 24
3. Banpu 21
4. Egco 18
5. AIS 15
5. PTTEP 15
7. Thai Plastic & Chemicals 14
8. Land & Houses 12
Best mid-cap Votes
1. TISCO Bank 18
2. The Erawan Group 9
2. Thai Plastic & Chemicals 9
Best small-cap Votes
1. Thai Optical Group 13
2. TNDT 12
Best CFO Votes
Pichai Chunhavachira (PTT) 18
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
無助提振建築業; 放寬建材短空長多
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